Grading Policies

Grading Policies

Grading Policies

Grades and Quality Points

Grade   Quality Points
A Superior    4.0
A-   3.7
B+   3.3
B Good 3.0
B-   2.7
C+   2.3
C Adequate 2.0
C-   1.7
D+   1.3
D Passing* 1.0
D-   0.7
F Failure 0.0

*Undergraduates only; failing for graduate students

  • Withdrawal (W) - Withdrawal from course with permission of the Dean and instructor by the end of the tenth week of class. No drops are allowed after this date except for medical reasons or other extenuating circumstances judged appropriate by the instructor and the Academic Discipline Committee. Because of the distinct calendar and nature of the Rome Program, different course withdrawal regulations apply.
  • Withdrawal from an audit (WA) - Students who register to audit a course are expected to be present at least fifty percent of the time. The professor may request that the student be withdrawn if this is not the case.
  • Failure due to absences (FA) - This grade is assigned by the instructor after the 10th week of classes because of the student’s failure to comply with absence regulations. It is a failing grade and is included in the grade averages.
  • Medical Withdrawal (MA) - Indicates withdrawal for medical reasons as certified by a personal physician or the University Health Service.
  • Incomplete (I) - Grade given in a class if a student is unable to complete all assignments by the end of the semester and the reasons for the delay have been accepted by the professor. "I" grades in undergraduate courses which are not removed within the first four weeks of the following semester will be changed to "F". If required work is submitted by this due date the final grade is placed next to the "I" which is slashed over, not removed.
  • Unofficial withdrawal (UW) - Assigned by the Office of the Registrar when there is no record of withdrawal from a course or courses or evidence of presence in or completion of the course or courses. The "UW" grade may be considered as an "F" grade upon review of the application for readmission.
  • Audit(AD) - Non-credit participation in a regularly scheduled course. No final grade assigned or credit awarded, but the student is expected to attend at least fifty percent of the classes. The decision to audit a course must be made by the fifth week of the particular semester or its equivalent in shorter terms.
  • Temporary (T)
  • Pass (P) - Pass in a P/NP course.
  • Not Passing (NP) - A non-passing grade in a P/NP course.

Course Withdrawal

Withdrawal from the University must be with written permission of an Academic Dean. For undergraduates, withdrawal from a course requires advisor and Professor signatures. Students are not permitted to withdraw from courses during the last five weeks before the final examination period. Courses that meet on a special calendar have a separate withdrawal deadline.

Grade Reports

Midsemester grades of "D" and "F" are reported to all undergraduate students, and upon request, to the parents of students who are dependent according to section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code. They are not part of the permanent record. Reports of final grades are available to students online at the end of the semester. They are available to parents of students who are dependent as indicated above.

Grade Point Averages

The University grade point average will be calculated according to the values given under "Grades and Quality Points." Grades of "I" earned by undergraduates are averaged into the grade point average as "F" grades until completed. Grades earned in college courses taken at other institutions do not affect the students’ cumulative University grade point average. The grade point average is found by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total number of credit hours attempted. In order to receive a degree, an undergraduate must attain a cumulative grade point average of "C" (2.0). Not more than 30 credit hours passed with a grade of "D" are acceptable for graduation. Generally, students are not allowed to attempt six regular courses unless they have at least a 3.0 GPA. Only six credits of graded research or internship will be included in the GPA.

Grade Changes

When students believe that a final grade has been miscalculated, they should ask the professor to review the matter. This request must be made within 30 days of the end of the semester to which the grade in question applies. If a grade change is warranted, the professor will report same to the Registrar.

No grade change will be accepted after 30 days unless authorized by an Academic Dean. Requests for a change in grade which would make the student eligible for academic honors, or for graduation, or which would prevent dismissal for academic deficiencies, will not be accepted.

If the student wishes to appeal the professor’s decision, or if the student is unable to contact the professor, the student may submit a written request for a review by the appropriate Academic Dean. This request must be filed within 30 days of the end of the semester. The Dean or Dean’s designee will then talk with the student and professor, and will attempt to resolve the dispute about the grade. Failing such a resolution, the professor’s grade will stand.

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